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Trade Cryptocurrency Privately

Fast. Safe. Easy.

Check a transaction or address with our new
AML Risk Checker!
Get yourself a Prepaid Card!
Promotional fee of only $2 + 3%!

Simple and Reliable

At no extra cost, we find you the best rates and redirect your orders to known and reliable instantexchanges. We don't interfere with your transaction nor do we haveaccess to your funds. And if you have any problem with your transaction, we're here to help you!

Built for Privacy

This website doesn't use JavaScript and most of yourtransaction's details are automatically deleted from our database after14 days, or even sooner if requested. All to protect your identity andsafety!

Make your trade in 5 Steps:

1. Select whether you want to make a standardswap or a payment, then choose the cryptos you wish to swap between andthe amount.

2. Click 'Exchange' and wait for a few seconds while we find you the best rates.

3. Choose your rate and exchange between theoptions available, fill in the address in which you want to receive your funds and click 'Confirm Exchange'. Make sure you choose the correctnetwork for coins that have multiple options.

4. An address will be generated, to which youmust send the amount you chose. Use your cryptocurrency wallet to makethe transfer.

5. You can check the status of your transactionon the same screen. Soon you'll receive your desired crypto in theaddress you provided.


Below you can find answers to the most frequent questions and we explain a bit of our service.
In case you still have a question, please feel free to contact us and we'll be happy to answer!

  • We are an exchange aggregator focused on protectingthe user's interest and privacy. When you fill in your desiredtransaction, we search the best possible rates in our partner exchanges. This means there's no need for you to open an account in a centralizedexchange, nor provide your personal information.

    You transfer the chosen amount to the addressprovided by the exchange, the trade is made and you receive your desired crypto directly in your chosen address. It's a fast and safe way ofexchanging your coins with anonymity without the hassle and privacyrisks of using centralized exchanges.

    We also monitor exchanges' rate reliability,transaction delay and any maintenance or server problems to make sureeverything runs smoothly for your trade and to prevent any exchange*****. And if you encounter any problems, you can reach out to us andwe'll do all we can to solve your problem!

    Trocador provides software that allows users tochoose between exchanges and trade directly with them, we never haveaccess, receive or transfer any of the funds between the parties. Assuch, Trocador does not qualify as a Virtual Asset Service Provider(VASP) as defined by FATF.

  • Our service was designed from the ground up focusedon your privacy. We only keep the minimum amount of logs forexchanges that require this and we let you know each one's log policiesbefore creating the transaction. Logs kept at Trocador are never sold or ceded to third parties and are only provided on an individual basisupon request from law enforcement. The rest of your transaction's details isautomatically deleted from our database after 14 days, or you coulddelete them even sooner with the click of a button on the TransactionStatus screen.

    We only redirect your order to known and reliableinstant exchanges, that receive your deposit, process the trade andtransfer your funds directly to your chosen address. We do not haveaccess to your coins at any point of the transaction.

  • Transactions made through our website enjoy ourTrocador Guarantee, if for some reason you do not receive your funds and your chosen exchange does not provide sufficient proof of a legalorder, police investigation or unusually high AML risk justifying it,Trocador will reimburse you up to the insured amount. This amount varies between exchanges and you can check it by hovering or clicking theshield icon besides each exchange option. Please note, however, that trades with exchangesrated as 'D' are not covered by this Guarantee. Nor are funds that camefrom mixers, as those are generally considered as very high AML risk bymost providers.

    To get compensation, contact us through email orTelegram informing your transaction's ID at Trocador. we'll talk to your chosen exchange and try to solve your problem. Failing that and if theexchange doesn't provide us sufficient proof that the transaction washalted due to a police request, legal order or unusually high AML risk,we'll reimburse your transaction up to the amount defined when yourtrade was created. The whole process can take a week or a bit longer, as we try to sort things out with the exchange.

  • Standard Mode is your usual way to convert from onecoin to the other. You choose an amount for the crypto you'll send andwhich crypto you want to receive. we'll show you the best floating andfixed rates from all our partner exchanges and you can choose the oneyou want.

    Payment Mode is meant to be used when you need topay for something, so you choose the amount of the crypto to be received instead of sent and which crypto you'll use to pay. we'll show you thebest fixed rates from all our partner exchanges that support this mode.This is useful for paying stores or services in your preferred crypto. An example: Protonmail doesn't yet accept Monero aspayment. No problem! Choose payment in BTC, copy their address and useit with our payment mode!

    The Buy/Sell tab is for using fiat currencies to buy or sell crypto. It may have fewer crypto options available, but you can circumvent this by using a more common crypto (like the ones listed asrecommended) as an intermediary between your fiat currency and yourdesired crypto.

  • In our Fiat Gateway Aggregator you can choose whichcrypto you want to buy or sell, which fiat currency you use and theamount to be traded. Trocador will then find the best rates among ourpartners and you can choose your preferred one to complete the processon their website. Depending on the selected currency, there are manypayment methods available like credit card, bank transfer, GooglePay,ApplePay, UPI, IMPS, GCash, Paymaya, GrabPay and others.

    Be aware that to complete the transaction you'llneed to access the partner's website, which may require JavaScript. Each one has their own KYC/Verification policy, so make sure to check theirTerms of Use. Trocador never has access to your funds nor any controlover their KYC process, we only refer you to your chosen exchange.

  • Usually a transaction takes between 5 and 60 minutes to complete. Depending mostly on the selected crypto and the existenceof congestion on their respective networks. Cryptos with a long transaction confirmation timetake longer and the opposite is true for cryptos with a shorttransaction confirmation time.

    We provide an approximate ETA on the exchangeselection screen that takes into account the exchange's recent history.This way you can better choose your preferred exchange.

  • All fees are already included in the shown rate.They consist of network transaction fees and exchange fees. This meansbigger transactions can have better rates, as the network transactionfees are diluted. You do not pay anything extra for using our serviceinstead of using directly your chosen exchange. We do receive acomission for referring the exchange, but it comes out of the exchange's fee so it doesn't change your rate.

    The floating rates shown in the exchange selectionscreen are automatically adjusted to more accurately predict the finalamount you'll receive. This takes into account each exchange's recenttrades and their deviation from the predicted rate. The amount shown in the status screen is notadjusted, and will show the actual rate provided by the exchange.

  • Each exchange has their own KYC/AML policy, and they may halt your transaction and demand KYC/AML verification beforecompleting it. Our partner exchanges very rarely do this, but even if it happens they usually give you the choice of refusing and getting arefund instead. You can check each exchange's policies on theirwebsites.

    To help you in your choice we provide a simpleKYC/AML Rating for each exchange. To determine an exchange's rating weread their terms of use and privacy policy, ask them directly about howthey handle refunding in case of verification refusal and take inaccount their past history on Trocador. We use the following ratings:

    This exchange uses its own liquidity and never halts a transaction for verification.
    This exchange refunds transactions that failtheir AML check. In very rare cases funds may be blocked if a legalorder demands it or stolen coins are involved. Past history at Trocadoris very good.
    This exchange usually refunds transactionsthat fail their AML check. If AML risk is high, funds may be blockeduntil KYC verification is passed.
    This exchange blocks transactions that fail their AML check until KYC/SoF verification is passed.

    Your chosen exchange may also store your transaction details (amount, coins and addresses). Please be aware some exchanges require logs of theuser's IP, UserAgent and AcceptLanguage to be kept at Trocador. Thesecan be seen on the exchange screen by hovering/clicking their rating.Logs kept at Trocador are never sold or ceded to third parties and areonly provided on an individual basis upon request from law enforcement.

  • While a few exchanges accept trades as small as $10, many of them have larger minimum amounts for trading, since networktransaction fees may severely impact the rates of small trades. So ifyou are only checking rates, make sure to use amounts close to whatyou'll actually trade to get more precise rates.

    Sometimes it may be difficult finding rates whentrading directly one less popular crypto for another. In this case,using a more popular crypto as an intermediary can help.

    If you are using Tor or I2P we will show you allrates, but as some exchanges refuse Tor or I2P connections they may beunavailable. This is clearly shown in the exchange screen.

  • A floating rate is an estimate. When the exchangeconfirms your deposit, they will check market conditions and pick anappropriate new rate. If it’s far enough from the original estimate,some exchanges prompt you if you want to proceed with this new rate orrequest a refund. Floating rates are recommended for most transactionswhere you have a known starting amount that you want to convert, sincevariable rates are better than fixed rates.

    Fixed rates are good for paying invoices. If youknow you need to pay 0.1 XMR, you can “lock in” a fixed amount of BTCnecessary to get 0.1 XMR. However, if the market moves too much, theexchange may still decide to refund the transaction instead ofproceeding with the quote.

    For these reasons we suggest you use floating ratewhenever possible. In any case we recommend you have your wallet readybefore confirming your transaction to avoid having your transactionexpire before blockchain confirmation.

  • Depends on the chosen exchange, some of them acceptslightly different amounts and will complete your trade proportionately, while others may halt your transaction or even have trouble detectingyour deposit. Always take care to send the exact amount to theaddress provided to avoid such problems. This information can be seen on the status page, where we show a tooltip letting you know if theexchange requires exact amounts or not.

  • Although very rare, this can happen. Simply contactour Support through the Telegram or email located at the footer of thewebsite and we'll be happy to help you! At your transaction's status screen we provide youwith all its details. With this information you could also contact theexchange directly to solve your problem if you prefer.